Los libros digitales abiertos avanzan en los sistemas educativos a nivel mundial. Tal como propusimos en 2006 para el Ministerio de Educación y Educ.ar (descargar Aprender la Libertad), ahora es el Estado de California (USA) el que se acerca a esta modalidad de libros abiertos en las escuelas. Según se expresa en Art Technica:
“On Monday, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger promoted his state’s recently announced initiative, which would see it adopt free, digital textbooks in time for the next school year. The state’s current fiscal crisis is an obvious motivating factor, as Schwarzenegger said that the state’s share of textbook spending comes in at $350 million a year. But the crisis may simply be accelerating a process that was already under way. For the past several years, the state has run a program designed to evaluate online educational resources and certify that they can be used in a way that is compliant with state educational standards. … “Digital publishers are already able to submit their work for approval to California Learning Resource Network, which will handle the evaluation process. We talked to CLRN’s director, Brian Bridges, who described the evaluation process and discussed where he thinks the initiative might lead.”
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